Owen Reich at club meeting

This past Monday night we had Owen Reich as a special guest at our monthly club meeting. Our club “Susquehanna Bonsai Club” met at Natures Way Bonsai Nursery and several members brought trees in for a critique from Owen Reich. Most of the trees brought in were stock plants that had not been worked. So I guess most of the discussions were what Owen suggested on how to style the trees. None of the trees were mine. I was running behind and did not have a chance to grab a tree. For those of you who don’t know of or about Owen let me give you some insight.

Owen is an upcoming bonsai professional who is making a name for himself in the bonsai world. He is an apprentice at Fujikawa International School of Bonsai which is an extension of the Fujikawa Kouka-en Nursery. The nursery is located in Ikeda City, Japan which is just north of Osaka, Japan. The school and nursery are owned by world-renowned bonsai master Mr. Keiichi Fujikawa. To learn more about Fujikawa International School of Bonsai please visit the website by clicking here: Fujikawa Kouka-en. The page that I linked is the instructor biography page. It gives a brief background on Mr. Fujikawa and other apprentices including Owen Reich that are at the nursery. 

Owen also writes his own bonsai blog called “Bonsai Unearthed” which is quite popular. Its been awhile since his last post but I spoke with Owen this past Monday at the meeting and he assured me that he has plenty of post written, plenty more to write and once he gets the chance he will start posting again. Check out his blog here: Bonsai Unearthed. I linked his “background” page so you can instantly read up on who and what Owen is all about. Please explore the rest of his site! He has some great stuff 🙂

For the time being Owen is currently traveling around doing lectures and demos across the states. He is also taking residence in Nashville, Tennessee and is in the process of starting a bonsai nursery there. He will regularly travel back to Japan and continually be part of Fujikawa Kouka-en nursery. I would recommend that any clubs out there (within the states or across the seas) look into having Owen attend an event. He is extremely bonsai smart and very friendly. Well worth the time and energy. 

Now on to the photos!


Ponderosa Pine – yamadori purchased from Natures Way Bonsai 


Limber Pine – yamadori purchased from Natures Way Bonsai 


I believe this was some sort of elm. I could be wrong though.


Cork bark elm I believe………..


Hinoki Cypress – yamadori purchased from Natures Way Bonsai 


A very interesting small potentilla – Owen liked this one a lot 🙂



Honestly I forget what this one was


Another Ponderosa Pine – yamadori purchased from Natures Way Bonsai 


 Owen and myself 🙂

(I’m in the Iowa shirt just in case you didn’t know who I am 😉 )

I hope to have gotten the trees named correctly. I did not write anything down and am just trying to go off my memory. I apologize if any are wrong. 

As always thanks for reading!

8 thoughts on “Owen Reich at club meeting”

    1. I was happy to have the opportunity to meet him. I have followed him and the Fujikawa kouka-en nursery for awhile so it was great to finally meet one of them in person. If u ever get the chance to see him I definitely would suggest it. Thanks 🙂

    1. I watched him for awhile as well so when I got the newsletter from my club stating he would be there i jumped on the chance to meet him. Nice guy and extremely bonsai intelligent. Don’t pass on the opportunity to meet him if u get the chance! 🙂

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